Hide information in a decision report

Hide information in a decision report

Decision reports can often be too verbose to provide a useful explanation of reasons for a decision to the user, particularly in these common areas:

You can trim decision reports with the use of the silent and invisible rule parameters, by preventing attributes and relationships from being displayed in the decision report, or hiding entire decision trees.

What do you want to do?

Hide all attributes in the decision report below a particular attribute

Hide a particular attribute in the decision report

Cut off a decision report above a particular attribute

Hide a relationship in the decision report

Hide all attributes in the decision report below a particular attribute

The "silent" parameter is used to hide all attributes in the decision report below the attribute on which the parameter is used. You can make attributes silent at the rule level or globally.


To apply the silent parameter to an attribute at the rule level:

  1. In your Word rules document place the cursor after the attribute text.
  2. Click the Silent Operator button on the Oracle Policy Modeling toolbar or press Alt+S. (You can also apply the operator after an and or or operator, but never before the start of the attribute.)

For example:

[b7] the claimant is eligible for child care benefit if

[b15] the claimant satisfies the work/training/study test [silent] and

[b2] the claimant has at least one child in child care


The silent parameter can also be applied to a rule conditionally depending on the value of the attribute. To do this, just add the text "if true", "if false", "if certain", or "if uncertain" after the "silent". For example:

[b7] the claimant is eligible for child care benefit if

[b15] the claimant satisfies the work/training/study test [silent if true] and

[b2] the claimant has at least one child in child care


To apply the silent parameter globally:

  1. In your properties file in Oracle Policy Modeling, double-click on the attribute in the Attribute view to open it in the Attribute Editor.
  2. Select the Decision Reports tab.
  3. Select the appropriate check boxes in the Silent section. For boolean attributes, you can mark the attribute as always silent, or silent only if the attribute is true, false or uncertain. Similarly, for non-boolean attributes, you can mark the attribute as always silent, or silent only if it is certain or uncertain.

Hide a particular attribute in the decision report

The "invisible" parameter is used to hide the attribute on which the parameter is used in the decision report. As for the silent parameter, you can make attributes invisible at the rule level or globally.


To apply the invisible parameter to an attribute at the rule level: 

  1. In your Word document place the cursor after the attribute text.
  2. Click the Invisible Operator button on the Oracle Policy Modeling toolbar or press Alt+I. (You can also apply the operator after an and or or operator, but never before the start of the attribute.)

For example:

[b18] the claimant is eligible for long service leave if

[b21] the claimant qualifies for long service leave under section 45 [invisible]


The invisible parameter can also be applied to a rule conditionally depending on the value of the attribute. To do this, just add the text "if true", "if false", "if certain", or "if uncertain" after the "invisible". For example:

[b18] the claimant is eligible for long service leave if

[b21] the claimant qualifies for long service leave under section 45 [invisible if false]


To apply the invisible parameter globally:

  1. In your properties file in Oracle Policy Modeling, double-click on the attribute in the Attribute view to open it in the Attribute Editor.
  2. Select the Decision Reports tab.
  3. Select the appropriate check boxes in the Invisible section. You can mark the attribute as always invisible, or invisible only if the boolean attribute is true, false or uncertain, or if the non-boolean attribute is certain or uncertain.

Cut off a decision report above a particular attribute

Silent and invisible rule parameters can be used together in rules so that both an intermediate attribute and any rules that prove that attribute are not included in the decision report. It may help to think of this as "chopping off" the decision report immediately above the attribute to which the pair of parameters is attached.

Hide a relationship in the decision report

The "invisible" parameter is used to hide a relationship, and the entity instances that are members of that relationship, in the decision report.

The "silent" parameter is only used with inferred relationships where it is used to show the target entities in the membership rule but hide the decision report.


To apply the invisible and/or silent parameters to a relationship:

  1. In your properties file in Oracle Policy Modeling, double-click on the relationship in the Relationship view to open it in the Relationship Editor.
  2. Select the Invisible and/or Silent checkboxes as appropriate.


See also: